Partners’ Club

Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique is a driver of maritime innovation. Through our Partners’ Club we bring together a community of stakeholders who want to be part of developing a sustainable and responsible blue economy.

The objective is to boost the blue economy by fostering relationships between PMBA’s Partners and Members.

logo club partenaires

A priority for Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique today is support for businesses as they scale up the industrial and commercial results of officially accredited projects. This means mobilising the full range of skills offered by those who have an interest in and are of interest to the blue economy. 
The Club is open to members who wish to contribute their skills and expertise for the benefit of the cluster’s 450 members, such as banks, investment funds, consultancies and media groups.

blue talk

Membership of the PMBA Partners’ Club is a way of making the most of the opportunities offered by the maritime economy and taking advantage of the cluster’s drive to innovate in the form of original approaches such as Tool Box and Blue Talks.

club des partenaires

PMBA offers a range of customised commercial services to meet the specific needs of each partner in a range of areas, including strategic information on maritime innovation, communication/advertising and business. Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique offers tailor-made services to Partners’ Club members.


Sébastien Cann :

Since 2014, 22 actors have joined our Partner Club

Financing, investment, fundraising

Legal support

Strategy consulting, innovation financing

Consulting, management and accountancy

Intellectual and industrial property attorneys

Medias, artists