SIPA - Ouest France

SIPA OUEST-France is a media group comprising daily newspaper Ouest-France, Infomer (which publishes Le Marin, Produits de la Mer, Cultures Marines, Navires et Marine Marchande and Marine et Forces Navales), and the magazines Chasse-marée and Voiles et Voiliers. The group has worked closely with Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique since it was first established.
The media group seeks to use its publications and events to promote the many innovative projects supported and accredited by PMBA. Events include the Assises de l’Economie Maritime (maritime economy conference), Assises de la Pêche et des Produits de la Mer (fishing and sea products conference) and Euromaritime (an exhibition for the blue economy sector).
Membership of the Partners’ Club enables the group to strengthen its connections with all those involved in the PMBA cluster (including entrepreneurs, researchers and financiers) and focus its energy on developing the maritime economy in Brittany and the Loire region.