e-Nav by Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique

e-navigation, what is it ?

e-navigation is the creation, collection, integration, exchange, and harmonized presentation of maritime information on board and on land by electronic means.

It aims to improve the dock to dock navigation and related services, security, and safety at sea, and protection of marine environment.

To sum up: its goal is to have a better navigation.

E-Nav by Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique is an initiative to establish synergies between the various actors in addition of existing collaborations.

These synergies can result in the pooling of skills and technical, scientific, and methodological sources by sharing points of view between the actors.


Areas covered:

Vessels positioning;

Ships routing (consumption optimization, weather, queue); 

Filtering or selection of information provided to the ship or to land;

Risk theory and analysis of dangerous behaviors;

Various simulators (bridges, harbors…);

Transmission and communication;


New standards…



Disseminate knowledge to the industry;

Listen to the needs of business;

Identify and federate research in this area;

Promoting the emergence of joint projects;

Make this activity more visible in France.



Facilitator referent: Frédéric Maussang ( frederic.maussang@polemer-ba.com )