JULY 2014

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 28 July 2014, "ManRos Therapeutics à Roscoff (29) accompagnée pour son projet de R&D sur la trisomie 21 et Alzheimer". The project, which was recognised by the MBA cluster is called Triad and involves developing new drugs from marine-derived molecules.

Nantes Saint-Nazaire Port La Magazine, July 2014, "Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique : l'union autour de l'innovation maritime".

Lettre Biotech Info, July 2014, "Trois projets labellisés par le Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique ont été présentés au 18ème appel à projets FUI".

Sciences Ouest, July-August 2014, "Des navires d'exception : quand le vent les portera". beyond the sea, Voilier du Futur and Megaptère: 3 projects recognised by the MBA cluster.

Lettre API, 17 July 2014, Bretagne, "Nomination : Paul Tréguer entre à l'European Academy of Sciences". The oceanographer Paul Tréguer is also Chairman of the MBA Forward and Strategic Planning Committee (Comité de Prospective et d'Orientation Stratégique).

Ouest-France, 3 July 2014, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique crée un Club de partenaires".

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 2 July 2014, "Une nouvelle levée de fonds pour ManRos Therapeutics à Roscoff (29)". The company founded 7 years ago in Roscoff is also working on the Triad project which is recognised by the MBA and the Alsace Biovalley cluster and which is developing drug molecules from sea sponges for treating Alzheimer’s and Trisomy 21.

JUNE 2014

Le Télégramme, 27 June 2014, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique crée un Club de partenaires". Going a step further in helping businesses, the 350-member cluster Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique is setting up a “partners’ club” in support of maritime innovation and to speed up the project process, initiate new ones and develop jobs.
Le marin, 20 June 2014, "Corrosion. Roboplanet n’a pas disparu". The CORONAV project, officially recognised by the MBA cluster is aimed at developing automated corrosion inspection using an ultrasound system to measure surface thickness.
Marque Bretagne website, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique lance son Club Partenaires".

Bretagne économique, interview with Patrick Poupon, Director of the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, June 2014.
Lettre économique de Bretagne, 4 June 2014, "Un club de partenaires pour le pôle de compétitivité Mer Bretagne Atlantique".

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 3 June 2014, "Un projet de plateforme maritime à Brest pour observer les fonds sous-marins". The Pôle Mer Bretagne and Technopôle Brest Iroise are also among the partners.

MAY 2014

Green News Techno, 19 May 2014, "Premiers projets dévoilés pour le 17ème FUI". The Pôle Mer sees three projects selected, two of them with environmental implications: MEGAPTERE and TRIAD.
Le marin, 16 May 2014, "Sea 4 G, ou la 4 G du large dès 2016", SEA4G, project recently recognised by the MBA cluster and Systematic is an extension of the research undertaken as part of the SEANET project.

Lettre API, 16 May 2014, "Innovation : trois projets du Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique financés par l'Etat".

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 16 May 2014, "Guinard Energies à Brest obtient la labellisation de MégawattBlue, un démonstrateur d'hydrolienne de forte puissance". Baptised MegawattBlue, the project has received recognition from the MBA cluster but is now looking for funding. "Trois projets labellisés du Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique retenus par le Fonds Unique Interministériel".
Le marin, 16 May 2014, "Six projets des pôles de compétitivité maritimes primés". Three projects recognised by the PMB cluster as well as by the sister cluster, the Pôle Mer Méditerranée, have been selected by the government as part of the 17th call for projects by the inter-ministerial fund, the Fonds unique interministériel (FUI).

APRIL 2014

Ouest-France, 28 April 2014, "Ils valorisent les projets innovantes de la mer". The MBA cluster met at the Tohannic campus in Vannes to officially recognise four maritime projects.

Le Télégramme, 26 April 2014, "Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique : des projets innovants dans le Morbihan".

Le marin, 25 April 2014, "Le Crédit Agricole du Finistère crée sa filière Mer". The Crédit Agricole could also take a close look at businesses belonging to the MBA cluster.

Magazine l'Express, supplement, April 2014, "Les normands face aux idées reçues". “The sea unites us. In matters relating to the sea, we share many more points in common than differences,” Stéphane-Alain Riou, deputy director of the PMB cluster was pleased to announce. In 2010, this economic development cluster signed an agreement with Basse-Normandie. Its aim: to join forces to boost development particularly on the European market.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 18 April 2014, "Innovation - Le pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique labellise le projet SEA4G".

Lettre API, 18 April 2014, "Innovation : le pôle Mer publie le livre de bord de ses projets collaboratifs".

Le Figaro.fr, 16 April 2014, "Le Crédit Agricole lance une filière maritime". The green bank could also take a close look at businesses belonging to the MBA cluster and may shortly announce a partnership with it.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 16 April 2014, "Un changement au sein du pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique à Brest". Responsible for the environmental planning and development of the littoral, Marguerite Bourbigot is embarking on her well-earned retirement. She is replaced in her role at the PMB cluster by Bernard Sautjeau.

Lettre d'information Atlanpole, April 2014, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique s’arrime en Pays de la Loire".

Maville, Ouest-France Laval, 7 April 2014, "Le Pôle Mer devient Atlantique", interview with Stéphane Alain Riou, deputy director of the MBA cluster.

Bretagne Portal, sailing info, 4 April 2014, "Retour sur l'AG du Pôle Mer".

Lettre API, 3 April 2014, “Développement économique : les Pays de la Loire intègrent le “pôle mer Bretagne Atlantique”.

Le Télégramme, 3 April 2014, "Extension territoriale du Pôle Mer Bretagne vers les Pays de la Loire", "Le Pôle Mer ratisse encore plus large".

Ouest France, Business page, 3 April 2014, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne devient Atlantique", interview with Stéphane Alain Riou, deputy director of the MBA cluster.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 3 April 2014, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne devient 'Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique".

Ouest France, Business page, 2 April 2014, "Pantocarène prépare le renouveau de la pêche". A ship made to glide through the waves is part of a project already supported by the PMB cluster and which appears to be of interest to shipbuilder Acarmor as well as the Netherlabds for even bigger vessels.

MARCH 2014

Energie Plus, March 2014 "La nouvelle vague du renouvelable". The maritime cluster, Pôle Mer Bretagne, which played a part in the creation of the France Energies Marines Institute, has officially recognised 132 projects since 2005.

Lettre Technopole Quimper-Cornouaille, March 2014, "La mer source d'innovation et de développement économique". The Pôle mer Bretagne cluster draws up a fresh strategic road map.

Magazine Ports de Brest, March 2014, "Dominique Sennedot, le nouveau capitaine trace son sillage". Dominique Sennedot has in turn been at the helm of DCNS and chairman of the PMB cluster, two flagships of the Brest industrial armada.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 14 March 2014, "Algolife, un nouveau projet labellisé par le Pôle Mer Bretagne porté par la SICA de Saint-Pol-de-Léon".


Le Télégramme, 2 February 2014, Carte Blanche column, "La croissance bleue passe par l'innovation", article by Dominique Sennedot, chairman of the Pôle Mer Bretagne cluster.


Le marin, 27 January 2014, "Comment valoriser la diversité des espèces débarquées en Bretagne ". The Cogepêche project (2008-2013), officially recognised by the PMB cluster, is aimed at “offering new directions for reconciling consumer behaviour and expectations with the constraints of distributors and the practices of the different fishing industry players.”

Le marin, 24 January 2014, "SERENITE : un côtier du futur, économe et sûr". SERENITE project officially recognised by the Pôle Mer Bretagne.

Le Télégramme, 21 January 2014, "Océans 21 : 9 millions d'euros pour renforcer la filière navale". The clusters Pôle Mer Bretagne and Pôle Mer PACA are partners.

Lettre API, 3 February 2014, "Développement économique : signature d'un partenariat entre Ouest valorisation et le Pôle Mer".

Lettre API, 31 January 2014, "Innovation : quatre objets des pôles de compétitivité de l'Ouest à l'honneur". 20 innovations resulting from inter-cluster collaboration and funded by the FUI (Fonds unique interministériel) were exhibited at Bercy on 31 January, including ASEMAR, a project officially recognised by the PMB cluster.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 31 January 2014, "Une signature de partenariat à Brest aujourd'hui entre Ouest Valorisation et le Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Le marin, 24 January 2014, "Offshore. Canopus, le GPS des grandes profondeurs". Project is recognised jointly by the two maritime economy clusters.

Voiles News, January 2014, "A quoi ressembleront les voiles de demain", Pôle Mer press event organised at Le Nautic 2013.

Lettre d'information of the CORICAN, January 2014, "Paintclean : le développement d'une peinture propre et intelligente". This project has been officially recognised by the PMB cluster.

Lettre CCSTI/Maison de la Mer Lorient - January 2014, "Projet JUMPER - prototype de panneau de chalut à faible impact". The JUMPER project has been recognised by the PMB cluster.

Le Télégramme, 14 January 2014, "Pôles de compétitivité bretons. En route pour 2018".

Lettre API, 14 January 2014, "Développement économique : les pôles de compétitivité bretons entrent dans leur 3e phase”.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 13 January 2014, "Des missions renforcées pour les pôles de compétitivité". Valorial, Mer Bretagne Atlantique (now incorporating Pays-de-la-Loire) and Images & Réseaux clusters signed their 4-year road maps in Rennes on Friday. This new agreement establishes their direction for development: not simply factories for projects but factories for products. In other words, the clusters are now devoted to successfully concluding projects which will have a genuine impact for industry, trade and employment. Over the past 8 years, the 3 Breton clusters for economic development have supported and recognised 1000 projects.

Ouest France, 13 January 2014, "Innovation : La Bretagne vise la pole position". In Rennes on Friday 10 January, the minister for agri-business signed the new road map of the 3 Breton clusters for economic development: Images et Réseaux, Valorial and Mer Bretagne.

Lettre d'information Marque Bretagne, January 2014, "Marbiotech : nouveau projet de R&D du pôle Mer Bretagne porté par Hémarina".


Le marin, 20 December 2014, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne devient Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique."

Néo, les nouvelles économiques de l'Ouest, 20 December 2013, "Territoires : La coopération économique entre la Bretagne et les Pays de Loire s’affirme". Closer economic collaboration launched between the two regions is gradually being consolidated with the creation of ‘alliances’ between their clusters for economic development. Brittany will continue to represent the benchmark for the maritime cluster, renamed the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique.

Lettre API, 18 December 2013, "Recherche : le projet SC2E soutenu par Bpifrance à hauteur de 7,3 M€". The project has been supported by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Néo, les nouvelles économiques de l'Ouest, 18 December 2013, "Bpifrance soutient le projet SC2E à hauteur de 7,3 millions € , labellisé par le Pôle Mer Bretagne"; "Territoires : Le Pôle Mer Bretagne s’étend jusqu’aux Pays de la Loire".

Néo, les nouvelles économiques de l'Ouest, 17 December 2013, "Vers une nouvelle filière de production de vers marins à visée thérapeutique".

Lettre API, 17 December 2013, "Le Voilier du futur fédère 17 PME de la façade Atlantique". The Voilier du futur project supported by the Ephèse company belonging to Catherine Chabaud along with 5 research centres and 17 SMEs is officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne and EMC2 economic development clusters. It was chosen as part of the future investments programme.

Maville, La Baule, 16 December 2013, "Les Pays de la Loire vont intégrer le pôle Mer Bretagne".

Presse Océan, 16 December 2013, "Le Pôle Mer franchit la Loire".

Lettre API, 16 December 2013, "Développement économique : le Pôle Mer confirme son ouverture aux Pays de la Loire”.

Ouest France, 13 December 2013, "Pôle Mer Bretagne devient Pôle Mer Atlantique". In recognition of its expansion to include the Pays-de-Loire, the Mer Bretagne cluster is being renamed the Pôle Mer Atlantique.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 13 December 2013, "Un nouveau projet de R&D pour le pôle Mer Bretagne nommé Marbiotech."

Lettre API, 10 December 2013, "Nautisme : le Voilier du futur fédère 17 PME de la façade Atlantique". This project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

France Bleu, 10 December 2013, interview with Yves Parlier of the beyond the sea project as part of the press event organised by the Mer Bretagne cluster on 10 December at Le Nautic in Paris.

Le Télégramme, 10 December 2013, "Innovation. Des boues de dragage mieux valorisées".
Finistère council is granting €173 000 to 3 innovative projects, two of which – COVASED and CANOPUS – are supported by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Nautisme info, 10 December 2013, "A quoi ressembleront les voiles de demain". At the International Nautical Salon in Paris, the Mer Bretagne cluster and its members are putting forward innovative wind-powered solutions for boats.

Lettre API, 9 December 2013, "Numérique : le projet Meta pour optimiser les navires à propulsion vélique". Recognised by the Mer Bretagne and EMC2 clusters, the Meta project is aimed at developing a new generation of numerical tools for analysing and optimising the preformance of wind-powered ships and those powered by a mix of wind and engine; "Recherche : le CG du Finistère accorde 173 k€ à trois projets collaboratifs". COVASED and CANOPUS have been officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre API, 5 December 2013, "Nautisme : Nautix mise sur la R&D pour se démarquer". Nautix is currently leading two R&D projects. At the end of 2011: the Paintclean project involving Nautix, DCNS and the biotechnology and marine chemistry lab (LBCM) of UBS in particular. Recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster, it focuses on perfecting a biodegradable paint which prevents biofouling of ships’ hulls.

Le marin, 6 December 2013, "Le canot du futur, c’est pour demain". The Sérénité project, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster, aims to create a fishing boat of the future.

Le Télégramme, 4 December 2013, "ManRos, une éponge au secours des malades d'Alzheimer". The TRIAD project has just been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Pollutec TV 2013, Tuesday 3 December, "Innovations et coopérations interpôles". Interview with Marie-Marguerite Bourbigot of the Mer Bretagne cluster at the Pollutec trade fair.


Le marin, Thursday 28 November 2013, video interview given by Patrick Poupon and Patrick Baraona, respective directors of the Mer Bretagne and Mer Méditerranée clusters.

Le marin, HS, Assises de l'économie maritime, insert promoting the Mer Bretagne and Mer Méditerranée clusters.

"Les Enjeux maritimes" (“Maritime Issues”) Atlas, November 2013, insert promoting the Mer Bretagne and Mer Méditerranée clusters.

France Bleu Armorique, 27 November 2013, "La mer, un enjeu de développement économique dans le Pacte d'avenir pour la Bretagne". Interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 27 November 2013, "Le projet META (56) des pôles Mer Bretagne et EMC2 trouve ses financements".

France Bleu Breizh Izel, 25 November 2013, "La mer, un enjeu de développement économique dans le Pacte d'avenir pour la Bretagne". Interview with Stéphane Alain Riou, deputy director of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Marque Bretagne Newsletter, November 2013, "4 projets labellisés Pôle Mer Bretagne, retenus par le Fonds Unique Interministériel".

Sillage, November 2013, "Les vents porteurs du Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 8 November 2013, "Pêche : le projet Sérénité de Breizh marine consult soutenu par le CG 22". This project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster is supported by Breizh marine consult, based in Paimpol.


Lettre API 31 October 2013, "Bio-ressources marines : une filière qui se structure dans l’Ouest". Following a favourable response from Datar and the Bretagne and Pays de Loire regions, the Mer Bretagne cluster submitted a request to the French government to extend its sphere of activity to include the Pays de Loire. A response is due in 2014.

Le marin, 25 October 2013, "Pôle Mer Bretagne : vers un nouveau contrat de compétitivité"; "Algues vertes : conflit entre Eaux et rivières et Ulvans". Ulvans is a project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster; "Produits de la mer, mieux valoriser la mise en marché?" The Cogépêche project, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster, is directed by Normapêche Bretagne.

Le marin, 24 October 2013, "L’État distingue cinq projets des Pôles Mer Bretagne et Méditerranée".

Néo actu, les Nouvelles Economiques de Bretagne, "CANOPUS 2 retenu parmi les projets ‘Pôles de compétitivité’ du FUI".

Lettre API, 23 October 2013, "Recherche : 13 projets des pôles de compétitivité de l'Ouest retenus par l'Etat". Four projects recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster have been selected.

Le Télégramme, 19 October 2013, "ManRos Therapeutics. L'éponge de mer pour lutter contre Alzheimer". The Mer Bretagne cluster, which has just concluded a further 5-year deal with the government and local authorities, has officially recognised the TRIAD project.

Le marin, 11 October 2013, "Recherche et innovation : le Pôle Mer Bretagne expert sur le programme Horizon 2020".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 10 October 2013, "Innovation - Le pôle Mer Bretagne soutient la société Joven de Franck Cammas".


Lettre API, 30 September 2013, "Recherche : le Pôle Mer ‘expert européen’ d'un programme innovant de l'UE".

Ouest France, 27 September 2013, "Brest. Le Pôle mer est désigné expert européen".

Newsletter GMES info, September 2013, "The regional dimension of Copernicus: actions and benefits". Since July 2011, seven RCOs have been established in accordance with a rigorous process in regions that are all members of the NEREUS network (www.nereus-regions.eu). There are also 10 additional regions that have approached the network with a view to establishing their own RCOs, including Bretagne, France (hosted by the Mer Bretagne cluster).

En liens.fr, September 2013, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne : vaisseau amiral de la croissance bleue".

Lettre API, 3 September 2013, "Cosmétiques : avec Catiomerc, Ephyla s'essaye aux projets collaboratifs". Ephyla, a laboratory in Vannes specialising in green chemistry for cosmetics, is directing its first project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster and due to launch at the start of September.


Le marin, 16 August 2013, "Biotechnologies marines : un secteur boudé par les industriels". More than 70 R&D projects relating to blue biotechnology have been recognised by the Mer Bretagne and Mer PACA clusters.

Lettre des pôles de compétitivité, June, July and August 2013, "Focus projet abouti : Azostimer : des fertilisants azotés à base d'algues respectueux de l'environnement". Project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre API, Friday 30 August 2013, "Ulvans nourrit de grandes ambitions pour les algues". Launched a year ago, the project is officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 26 August 2013, "Une mission au Brésil organisée par le pôle Mer Bretagne." This mission will take place from 27 to 31 October. It is being organised by the Mer Bretagne cluster with the support of the Total and Ubifrance companies. Its themes will be maritime safety and security and offshore.

JULY 2013

Marque-bretagne.fr, 30 July 2013, "Des cosmétiques 100 % naturels, à partir d’actifs d’origine marine." LIMAT B, a lab at the University of Bretagne-sud, and the Vannes company Ephyla are launching the CATIOMERC programme aimed at producing 100% natural cosmetics and officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Le marin, 19 July 2013, "Le breton sur les grands fonds". The Mer Bretagne cluster has its rad map for 2013-2018. It extends its remit to the Pays de la Loire and to activities relating to maritime ports, infrastructure and transport as well as deep-ocean energy and mining resources. It will also support project directors in indistrialisation, commercialisation and export development.

Centraliens, July 2013, "Organisation française de la Recherche et de l'Industrie EMR". For several years, the Mer Bretagne cluster has been supporting technologies such as Sabella and Winflo.

Lettre API, 16 July 2013, "Matériaux : Vitem anticipe le vieillissement de l'élastomère". Officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster at the end of May, the Vitem project has just got underway. Its aim: to develop tools for sizing and characterising elastomers in the marine environment.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 16 July 2013, "Un nouveau projet labellisé par le pôle de compétitivité Mer Bretagne. Baptisé VITEM, ce projet consiste à développer des outils de dimensionnement et de caractérisation des pièces élastomères soumis au vieillissement thermique et à l'environnement marin".

Le Télégramme, 16 July 2013, "Cosmétique. De la crevette dans vos cheveux". Directed by the company Ephyla, the CATIOMERC project has been officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

JUNE 2013

Sciences Ouest, June 2013, "Des bulles pour couper le son". The Resibad programme, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster, is researching the way bubbles limit the spread of sound in water.

Bretagne Economique, June 2013, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on Marine Renewables.

Le Télégramme, 6 July 2013, "Pôle Mer : De l'usine à projets à l'usine à produits".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 3 July 2013 ". The Catiomerc research project, supported by local authorities, has been officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster and is directed by the Vannes company Ephyla. It is developing marine-sourced active ingredients for hair and skin products.

Paré à innover, N°54, June 2013, "Agrival, aux petits soins du végétal". Le projet Aquactifs a été labellisé par le Pôle Mer Bretagne; "Yslab protège nos dents avec des algues", le projet Odontomer a été labellisé en 2009 par le Pôle Mer Bretagne.

Le marin, 28 June 2013, "Finistère : Ulvans relance le ramassage". Ulvans is a project officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster in 2011.

Journal des entreprises 29, June 2013, "Yslab, la société valorise les produits de la pêche". The Pesk&Co project, recognised jointly by the Mer Bretagne and Valorial clusters will run for 3 years.

Finistère Penn-Ar-Bed, N°130, June 2013, "Brest, locomotive pour la recherche marine", turns the spotlight on the drive by the Mer Bretagne cluster to develop marine research.

Le Télégramme, 19 June, "Rejets en mer, vive le broyeur embarqué". DCNS, which is working on the NACRE project, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster, has just provided an interesting response and could equip the French navy’s testing and survey vessel, Le Monge, during its next scheduled servicing.

Le marin, 14 June 2013, "La scapêche optimise ses chaluts". Jumper, a project involving the use of new otter-boards, has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster; "Le trimaran de pêche Megaptère ne devrait pas rester dans les cartons". The Megaptère project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Les industries technologiques, June 2013, "Place au voilier écologique". The project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne and EMC2 clusters and has received support from the regions of Bretagne, Pays de la Loire, Poitou-Charentes and Aquitaine.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 14 June 2013, "SERENITE, un projet pour la réalisation d'un navire de pêche". This R&D project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster involves creating an innovative coastal fishing boat of at least 12 metres in length.

Lettre API, 14 June 2013, "Pêche : Sérénité réinvente les navires de pêche côtières". Officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster, the collaborative Sérénité project is aimed at constructing an innovative multipurpose demonstrator coastal fishing vessel of at least 12 metres in length.

Les Echos, 5 June 2013, "Dominique Sennedot, capitaine de DCNS à Brest". Dominique Sennedot has also just secured a three-year term as chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster which is devoted to maritime innovation.

@-brest.net, 10 June 2013, "Un projet de lycéens de Vauban (Brest) primé : une startup de production vidéo 3D autour des Energies Marines Renouvelables". This project is a real challenge for these secondary pupils studying applied arts at the Lycée VAUBAN. Thanks to contacts at the Mer Bretagne cluster and with the support of the ENIB in mastering the 3D modelling software, Blender, the pupils have produced a digitised version of the seabed in the Fromveur (a marine channel and current between the islands of Molène and Ouessant) and painstakingly produced a faithful reconstruction of the tidal turbine based on plans supplied by Sabella.

Lettre API, 5 June 2013, "Environnement : Hocer veut se développer au grand export". Hocer is directing the HYCARE project which has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Cahier d'acteurs, June 2013, "Les parcs éoliens offshore posés : premier jalon de la filière industrielle émergente des EMRs en Bretagne et en France", as part of the public consultation on wind turbines at sea 22. Article on the areas of MRE which the Mer Bretagne cluster is working on and details of officially recognised projects.

MAY 2013

J'aime Radio Lorient, 29 May 2013, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, as part of the face-to-face series Rencontres Mer du Littoral breton (Quiberon).

Les Echos, "La mer, le nouvel eldorado des Bretons et des Méditerranéens". The Mer Bretagne and Mer Paca clusters have recognised 350 projects and secured 1 billion euros in funding. Alongside marine renewable energy, the field of blue biotech offers development opportunities.

Le Télégramme, 15 May 2013, "Bretagne - Pays de La Loire : Brest confortée pour la mer". The widening of the Mer Bretagne cluster’s remit to include Pays de La Loire was referred to during an inter-regional seminar. Bretagne was reportedly the leader of the two regions with Brest an uncontested location for its HQ.

Ouest France, 15 May 2013, "Bretagne et Pays de La Loire accordent leurs violons". Example for the Mer Bretagne cluster which is hoping to extend its sphere of operations to the Pays de La Loire.

APRIL 2013

La lettre internationale, 25 April 2013, "Maritime : un accord franco-brésilien". The Mer Paca and Mer Bretagne clusters have signed an agreement to cooperate with UBIFRANCE and the Brazilian National Oil and Gas Organisation relating to strengthening technology partnerships between Brazil and France in the oil and gas sector.

Connexions, N°52, April 2013, "Oceanoscientific System : un outil pour comprendre les changements climatiques". The project was recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster in February 2012.

Penn-Ar-Bed, N°129, 3 questions put to Michael Quernez, Vice-president of the Conseil Général and Chairman of the Commission Insertion et économie. "Les Pôles de compétitivité Mer Bretagne et Valorial sont aujourd'hui créateurs d'emplois et de valeur ajoutée".

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 22 April 2013, "Le chantier naval Bernard porte le projet Megaptère". This project has just been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Edipolys.com, April 2013, "Nouveau président pour le Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Nouvel Observateur, April 2013, special dossier devoted to the future of Brest. Interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Le Marin, 12 April 2013, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne, creuset de l'innovation", 3 pages in the "A la une" (front page) dossier. Interviews with Patrick Poupon and Hervé Moulinier, director and chairman respectively of the Mer Bretagne cluster. Examples of officially recognised projects: Marvest, Ormeaux, Azostimer, Effichalut and Hemorgan.

Pdm, spécial Process, April-May 2013, "Les produits de la mer doivent faire la différence", interview with Rachel Portal Sellin, head of ‘Fishing and aquaculture’ matters at the Mer Bretagne cluster.

France Bleu Breizh Izel, 10 April 2013, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on the subject of MREs on the occasion of the opening of the Thétis MRE trade fair in Brest.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 9 April 2013, "Innovation - PESK&Co obtient des financements". This project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre API, 8 April 2013, "Nomination : le Pôle Mer Bretagne étoffe ses équipes ingénierie et animation".

Mer et Marine, 8 April 2013, "Pôle Mer Bretagne : Hervé Moulinier laisse la barre à Dominique Sennedot".

Ouest France - Entreprises, 5 April 2013, "Nouveau président pour le Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Lewebpedagogique.com, 5 April 2013, "Nouveau président pour le Pôle Mer Bretagne".

www.marque-bretagne.fr website, 5 April 2013, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne fixe le cap pour les 6 ans à venir".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 5 April 2013, "Innovation - 564 millions d'euros engagés depuis 2005 pour la R&D labellisée par le Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Bretagne Info Nautisme, 5 April 2013, "Dominique Sennedot, nouveau président du Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Paré à Innover journal, April 2013, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne trace la route".

Progrès du Cornouaille, 5 April 2013, page on the sea, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on the subject of “new topics”.

Lettre API, 5 April 2013 , "Nomination : Dominique Sennedot à la barre du pôle Mer Bretagne".

Le marin, 5 April 2013, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne change de président".

Ouest France, 5 April 2013, Brest : "Dominique Sennedot est le nouveau président du Pôle Mer".

Le Télégramme, 4 April 2013, "Pôle Mer Bretagne. Le président passe le relais".

MARCH 2013

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 22 March 2013, "Une étude du Pôle Mer Bretagne sur le poids de l'économie bleue".

La marin, 20 March 2013, "Cinq projets de R & D maritimes soutenus par le gouvernement". Two of the five projects examinbed have been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Ouest France, 13 March 2013, "L'avenir incertain des villes bretonnes". Participation by the cluster in meetings held in Lorient on the future of towns and cities in Brittany. The Mer Bretagne cluster cited as a textbook example of economic development.

Journal des entreprises du Morbihan, 8 March 2013, "International. Alliance du Pôle Mer et du Commerce Extérieur bretons".

Les Echos.fr, 5 March 2013, "Des algues dans le dentifrice". Odontomer, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster, was well placed to perfect dental hygiene products.

Le Télégramme, 5 March 2013, "Hygiène. Bientôt un dentifrice aux algues ‘made in BZH’". The Quimper company Yslab is on the point of marketing a seaweed-based toothpaste designed for delicate gums. It is the product of a joint research project with the University of Rennes 1, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Figaro Nautisme, 7 March 2013, "Des algues pour éloigner les dentistes ". The ODONTOMER project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre API, 1 March 2013, "Pêche : Pesk&co, un projet collaboratif de 5,4 M€". The PESK&CO project has just been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.


Le Télégramme, 23 February 2013, "Pôle mer Bretagne. Au service de l'innovation".

Ouest France (business), 24 February 2013, "Côtes-d'Armor. Le pôle mer a labellisé 165 projets innovants".

entreprendre.fr website, 15 February 2013, "Ces Pôles de compétitivité qui portent bien leur nom!". Bretagne: Yslab on a quest for the right seaweed.

Mer Bretagne economic development cluster: Odontomer project

Marine&Océans journal, January to March 2013, N°238, article on the Odontomer project officially recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster and directed by Yslab.

Radio France Bleu Nord, interview with Philippe Kernéis, head of the ‘Shipbuilding and leisure boatbuilding committee, on the fishing boat of the future. (Seminar at Boulogne sur mer)

Radio Oui FM, 7 February, interview with Philippe Kernéis, head of the ‘Shipbuilding and Leisure Boatbuilding’ committee, on the ship of the future. (Euromaritime trade fair)

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 1 February 2013, "Une convention entre le Pôle Mer Bretagne et les conseillers du commerce extérieur".

Lettre API, 7 February 2013, "International : le pôle Mer Bretagne signe une convention de partenariat avec les CCEF".


Pen-Ar-Bed journal, N°128, "Un collectif au service d'une pêche innovante et durable". Sustainable fishing cluster supported by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Journal des Entreprises 35, 30 January 2013, "Bretagne. Pôle Mer : Un partenariat avec les conseillers du commerce extérieur".

Mission Hydrogène newsletter, January 2013, "Applications maritimes et fluviales : le Pôle Mer Bretagne développe le voilier du futur".


L'Electricité et de l'Electronique journal, December 2012, "Les défis d'une filière industrielle émergente" - Contribution by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Le marin, 28 December 2012, "Pôle Mer : 23 projets labellisés en Bretagne en 2012".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 20 December 2012, "SC2E, un projet pour élever des crevettes tropicales en Bretagne ". The project has just been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Ouest France, 18 December 2012, "Rencontre avec le Pôle Mer Bretagne au lycée de Bréhoulou".

Le Télégramme, 18 December 2012, "Pôle Mer Bretagne : le Pôle a labellisé 23 projets en 2012".

Le Télégramme, 15 December 2012, "Innovations. L'ormeau en tête de gondole". The Mer Bretagne cluster which is working to develop the maritime economy travelled to Bréhoulou secondary school in Fouesnant for its board meeting.

Mer et Marine, 13 December 2012, "Le voilier du futur présenté au Salon Nautique". The Mer Bretagne cluster organised a press event on the ship of tomorrow at the trade fair.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 12 December 2012, "Le voilier du futur a été présenté au Salon Nautique". The yacht of the future was unveiled yesterday by the Mer Bretagne cluster at Le Nautic trade fair in Paris.

Les Echos, 7 December 2012, "Hervé Moulinier à la tête de l'ENSM".

Le marin, 7 December 2012, "ENSM : un nouveau départ". Hervé Moulinier, new chairman of ENM, acquired his knowledge of the marine environment notably during his term as Mer Bretagne cluster chairman.

Le marin, 7 December 2012, "COVASED : en finir avec les bassins de rétention". The COVASED project, led by Sédigate, has benefited from a wide range of support including that of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Le Télégramme, 6 December 2012, "Agrimer, la PME carbure aux axtraits d'algues". The Aquactif project, directed by Agrimer, has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre API, 6 December 2012, "Nomination : Hervé Moulinier et François Marendet aux commandes de l'ENSM". Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster, has just been appointed president of the college board of governors.

Le Télégramme, Tuesday 5 December 2012, "Hervé Mounilier, Président du Pôle Mer Bretagne vient d'être nommé Président de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime".

Ouest France, 4 December 2012, "Hervé Moulinier élu à la tête de l'ENSM", Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster, has just been appointed president of the board of governors of the national maritime college, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime.

Environnement Magazine, December 2012, "Un bateau pour la maintenance des éoliennes offshore". The WindKeeper project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne and Paca clusters.

Paré à Innover journal, December 2012, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne développe le navire du futur".


Mer et Marine website, 23 November 2012, "Pôles Mer : Plus d’un milliard d’euros d’investissements dans la R&D".

Le marin newsletter, 23 November 2012, "Les Pôles Mer ont dépassé le milliard d'euros".

Marine&Océans website, 20 November 2012, "Les Pôles de compétitivité Mer Bretagne et Mer PACA, moteurs de l'économie bleue".

Journale des Entreprises website, 20 November 2012, (Bretagne and PACA issues), "Paca/Bretagne. Un milliard d'euros injecté à ce jour dans la R&D maritime".

Le marin journal, November 2012, maritime affairs special issue, insert on the Mer Bretagne and Mer PACA clusters.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 21 November 2012, "Les pôles Mer Bretagne et Mer Paca ont bénéficié d'un milliard d'euros pour la R&D".

Magazine l'Entreprise, November 2012, "A Brest, l'océan source de business".

Ouest France, 17 November 2012, "Ce que la Bretagne apporte à l'Europe", with contribution from Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 19 November 2012, "Un projet co-labellisé par les pôles Mer Bretagne et Valorial, il s'agit d'Algoméga".

Sea Tech Week, November 2012, Marine Energy Brest 2012: concluding presentation from Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Magazine Entreprendre, Brest special issue, November 2011, "Tonnerres...de Brest!" on the sea and the future of Brest.


Sillage, September-October 2012, "La mer, vivier pour l'innovation", interview with Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Le Télégramme, Wednesday 24 October 2012, "Euronaval, un fond d'air brestois au Bourget". The economic development clusters, Mer Bretagne and Bretagne Naval join forces for a stand at the trade fair.

Le marin journal, Friday 19 October 2012, commentary from Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Bretagne cluster: "Les énergies marines, des industries compétitives et de croissance".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 17 October 2012, "Codif International porte le projet Poly-Mer". The Poly-Mer project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster and involves the Saint Malo company Codif International which produces marine-based cosmetics under the Phytomer label.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 15 October 2012, "Covased, un projet de R&D sur la valorisation des sédiments de dragage". This project has just been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster and involves creating a platform for processing and developing the economic potential of sediment.

Ouest France Entreprises 44, "Poduire des micro-algues, un défi d'avenir". The Atlanpole blue cluster organised a forum in La Baule on marine bioresources in collaboration with the Mer Bretagne cluster.

RCF Radio Rivage, 9 October 2012, interview with Stéphane Alain-Riou, deputy director of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Sea Tech Week, newsletter October 2012, "Trois questions à Hervé Moulinier, Président du Pôle Mer Bretagne".


Le marin journal, Friday 21 September 2012, "5 projets maritimes sélectionnés par l'Etat", Poly-Mer project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Ouest France, 25 September 2012, "Encore les EMR à l'honneur", with numerous contributors from Brest – the university, Mer Bretagne cluster, etc.

Le Télégramme, 21 September 2012, "Seatechweek : en octobre les EMR en force", interview with Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Sillage, September 2012, "La Mer, vivier pour l'innovation", including an interview with Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 17 September 2012, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne labellise le projet WindKeeper".

JULY 2012

PEXE website, Association pour le développement des éco-entreprises de France, 22 August 2012, "Pôle Mer Bretagne : des bateaux plus écolos".

décideurs en région.fr website, 22 August 2012, "Pôle Mer Bretagne : 22 projets collaboratifs pour des bateaux plus écolos".

Tonnerres de Brest 2012, press review of the Marine Science and technology Village.

Le Télégramme, 5 daily columns on science and technology in brief covering topics presented at the Marine Science and Technology Village of the Tonnerres de Brest event, July 2012: stress in fish, the slipper limpet, sexing seaweed, etc.

France 3: images from Marine Science and Technology Village streamed on giant screens at the event and online.

France Bleu Breizh Izel, 11 July 2012, interview with Patrick Poupon.

France Bleu Breizh Izel, 14 July 2012, interview with Jean-Paul Alayse (Océanopolis).

France Info, 16 July 2012, focus on the acoustic cabin at the Iroise Marine Conservation Park.

Courants, 16 July 2012, interview with Patrick Poupon.

France Bleu Breizh Izel, 16 July 2012, interview with Jean-Paul Alayse (Océanopolis).

RCF, 16 July 2012, interview with Jean-Paul Alayse (Océanopolis).

Radio Bleu Mayenne, 17 July 2012, interview with Jean-Paul Alayse (Océanopolis).

Journal des énergies renouvelables, July-August 2012, "3 questions à Stéphane Alain-Riou, directeur adjoint du Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Ouest France, 9 July 2012, "L'hydrogène embarque sur les bateaux de pêche". The project has just been recognised by the Mer Bretagne and EMC2 clusters.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 18 July 2012, "Des emplois issus du projet de R&D Odontomer", project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster. "Navalis, un projet pour le développement d'un navire innovant ". Project is directed by MSIS Chantiers Allais and recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Ouest France Entreprises, 6 July 2012, "L'hydrogène embarque sur les bateaux de pêche". Recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster and the Nantes industry development cluster EMC2, the fishing boat devised by MH2 is a 12-metre vessel capable of accommodating a 3-man crew and of spending 3 days at sea without refuelling.

JUNE 2012

Biotech Finances, June 2012, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster on the sea as our future.

Economic development cluster newsletter, June 2012, "Les pôles Mer Bretagne et Mer PACA s'unissent pour valoriser l'innovation maritime".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 22 June 2012, "Le projet Nemo pour des capteurs de détection à la surface des mers ", a project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Biotechs Finances newsletter, 18 June 2012, "La Bretagne, terre de privilèges pour les biotechs marines", interview with Patrick Poupon on "La Mer est l'avenir de la terre".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 13 June 2012, "Un village des sciences et des technologies de la mer aux fêtes des Tonnerres de Brest ". Brest maritime festival, which is taking place from 13 to 19 July, provides an opportunity for the Mer Bretagne cluster and its partners to showcase the region’s skills in the marine field.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 13 June 2012, "Electronique : Kenta innove dans la radiodiffusion d'informations maritimes", NAVDAT is the result of the IPBC project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Les Echos, 6 June 2012, "Inciter les entreprises, clef de la nouvelle croissance". The economic development clusters are at the forefront of opening up private innovation. Example of initiative led by the Mer clusters: Invest in Blue.

MAY 2012

Environnement Magazine, May 12, "Une bouée pour étudier les vertébrés marins", the SIMEO project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

France 3, Génération Breizh broadcast, 30 May 2012, "Bretons, la mer est-elle notre avenir?", interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, and reports on the Asemar, Optipêche, Sealacian and Paralex projects recognised by the cluster.

Port de Nantes Saint-Nazaire Magazine, May 2012, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on collaboration between the Mer Bretagne and Atlanpole clusters.

Bretagne Economique, May 2012, "Trois questions à Hervé Moulinier, président du Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Lettre API, 21 May 2012, "Navale : le Pôle mer Bretagne labellise trois projets navals majeurs".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 16 May 2012, "Innovation - Trois nouveaux projets labellisés par le pôle Mer Bretagne autour du voilier du futur".

France 3 Bretagne (Brest edition), interview with Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on the opportunities linked to creation of a French Ministry of the Sea.

France Bleu Breizh Izel, 14 May 2012, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on the opportunities linked to creation of a French Ministry of the Sea.

Blog des Institutionnels, 4 May 2012, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne adhère à la Marque Bretagne".

APRIL 2012

Le Télégramme, 26 April 2012, "Europôle Mer, Paul Tréguer passe le relais". Paul Tréguer joins the Mer Bretagne cluster to strengthen its European dimension and CPOS.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 13 April 2012, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne adhère à la marque Bretagne".

Le marin journal, 6 April 2012, "Recherche. Le renforcement tous azimuts du Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Ouest France, 3 April 2012, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne se renforce dans l'Ouest".

Lettre API, 3 April 2012, "Recherche : 137 projets labellisés par le Pôle Mer Bretagne".

MARCH 2012

France 3, Génération Breizh broadcast, 28 March 2012, special programme on renewable energy. Interview with Stéphane Alain Riou, deputy director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on marine renewables.

Le marin journal, 23 March 2012, "Recherche. 2 projets maritimes primés par le Fonds interministériel". The NEMO project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Tara Oceans newsletter, March 2012, "Quand l’union fait la force", Marguerite Bourbigot, head of section at the Mer Bretagne cluster, is the proposer of the science project launched in 2009 with Tara Oceans for the Fondation Veolia Environnement.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 28 March 2012, "L'assemblée générale annuelle du Pôle Mer Bretagne aura lieu vendredi 30 mars à Brest".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 2 April 2012, "OSC System va capter automatiquement des données sur les océans". The project has just been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Classe Export Magazine, March 2012, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne en mission à la Réunion". During a mission to the island of La Réunion at the beginning of December, the Mer Bretagne cluster met with those involved in the island’s economic development cluster, Qualitropic, with which it had signed an inter-cluster partnership agreement in 2007.

Le Télégramme, 20 March 2012, "Communications maritimes. Kenta innove". Navdat is the result of a project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre API, 13 March 2012, "Investissements d'avenir : l'IEED France énergie marine réunit déjà 58 acteurs". Mer Bretagne and Mer PACA clusters are among 58 players involved in France Energie Marine.

Voiles news.fr, 13 March 2012, "Kenta - Innovation en communication maritime et sécurité : le 12 mars, la France présentera à l'OMI le NAVDAT". IPBC (Internet Protocole For Boat Communications), headed by the Quimper company KENTA is a project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster in 2006.

Naftrade.weebly.com, 12 March 2012, "New system for navigational data to be unveiled at IMO". This is the result of a collaborative internet-protocol communication based project known as IPBC, undertaken by Pole Mer Bretagne and led by Kenta.

Salt Line.com, 12 March 2012, "New Navigational Broadcast System for IMO Presentation".

Ouest France, 11 March 2012, "Quimper. La société Kenta électronic plaide lundi à Londres". Kenta Electronic has been assisted in this project by the enterprise agency Bretagne développement innovation and by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Marinelink.com, 11 March 2012, "New Navigational Broadcast System for IMO Presentation".

Digital Ship, 9 March 2012, "NAVDAT to be presented to IMO".

Ouest France, 9 March 2012, "Brest. La plateforme des énergies marines enfin labellisée". EDF will chair France Energies Marines which includes among its partners Ifremer (leading the project), Mer Bretagne, GDF Suez, Alstom, DCNS, STX and Technip.

Lettre API, 9 March 2012, "Investissements d'avenir : feu vert pour France Energies Marines à Brest". The Mer Bretagne cluster is one of partners in this Institute of Excellence.

7 seasnews.fr, 9 March 2012, "Innovation en communication maritime et sécurité". IPBC (Internet Protocole For Boat Communications), headed by the Quimper company KENTA is a project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster in 2006.

France 3 info.fr, 9 March 2012, "Quimper: Kenta booste les communications maritimes". The IPBC project was recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster in 2006.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 1 March 2012, "Olmix et Agrival collaborent dans ULVANS". This R&D project, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster, is developing the economic potential of green algae.


Ouest France, 27 February 2012, "Leurs bouées préparent l'arrivée des éoliennes". Introduction to the SIMEO project, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster. Profile of the company Nke which is working on the project.

Brèves Marines, February 2012, Lettre de la Marine Nationale, "Planète mer, un océan de richesses" on the contribution made by the marine clusters.

Usine Nouvelle, 24 February 2012, "Brest dans le vent des énergies marines", interview with Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Portail Bretagne Innovation, 20 February 2012, "CO-SCIENCES et SEDIRADE : nouveaux projets labellisés au Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 13 February 2012, "Sédirade, un projet de R&D pour valoriser les sédiments dragués". The Sédirade project has just been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

La Croix daily newspaper, 14 February 2012, "SIMEO fournira et analysera des données inédites sur les vertébrés marins et leur milieu". Simeo, which requires investment totalling 3 million euros, is supported by Oséo, the Mer Bretagne and Mer PACA clusters and the Languedoc-Roussillon region.


Les Echos, 31 January 2012, "Un chalut allégé et plus fluide dans l'eau pour économiser 17 % de gasoil". The EFFICHALUT project was recognised in 2009 by the Mer Bretagne and Aquimer clusters.

France Bleu Breizh Izel, 30 January 2012, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on marine renewables.

Bretagne Innovation portal, 24 January 2012, "XPRA et VALORALG : nouveaux projets labellisés au Pôle Mer Bretagne; EFFICHALUT : bilan de projet".

Mer-Veille.com portal, 24 January 2012, "BLIDAR : une bouée radar pour mesurer les performances des éoliennes offshore". BLIDAR project recognised by Mer Bretagne and Mer PACA clusters.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 18 January 2012, "In Vivo leader du projet XPRA pour la création de récifs artificiels". XPRA project is recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 16 January 2012, "Vincent Denby-Wilkes va prendre la présidence de France Energies Marines". This R&D centre also involves the Mer Bretagne and Mer PACA clusters.

Lettre API, 16 January 2012, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne soutient six projets de navires du futur dans le cadre de l'AMI de l'Ademe".


Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 19 December 2011, "Brest Métropole Océane apporte son soutien financier à 4 projets innovants". MCGS2 and Biloboquet are two projects recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 16 December 2011, "Un nouveau projet de R&D : NEMO pour la détection des menaces en mer ". Project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Medef Bretagne Wiki Radio, voice of business, 7 December 2011, interview with Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on the cluster’s modus operandi and the future of the maritime sector.

Le Télégramme, 7 December 2011, "Le premier kayak compostable est né". The NAVECOMAT project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

France Bleu, 7 December 2011, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on the leisure boat of the future.

Sailingexperience.com, 7 December 2011, "Navires de plaisance du futur : l'innovation au service d'un nautisme durable". Presentation by Mer Bretagne cluster.

7seas-news.com, 7 December 2011, "Navires de plaisance du futur : l'innovation au service d'un nautisme durable". Presentation by Mer Bretagne cluster.

Magazine Voile.com, 7 December 2011, "Projets pour des navires du futur au service d’un nautisme durable". Projects supported by Mer Bretagne cluster.

Seablue.com, 7 December 2011, "Projets pour des navires du futur au service d’un nautisme durable". Round table discussion led by Mer Bretagne cluster.

Ouest France, 6 December 2011, "Brest, dans le top mondial des sciences marines".

Le Télégramme, 6 December 2011, "Mer, la recherche en pole position".

Tébéo, 5 December 2011, interview with Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on the occasion of the Paris boat show.

Radio Newez, 1 December 2011, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on the leisure boat of the future, as part of the 2011 boat show.


TV Pollutec, 30 November 2011, interviews with Marie-Marguerite Bourbigot, in charge of the Mer Bretagne cluster’s “environmental and coastal planning” committee, on the network of the Ecotech clusters and MREs as part of the 2011 Pollutec trade fair.

Le marin, 25 November 2011, publication of newsletter – Lettre des Pôles Mer , N°1 (double page) "Passerelle".

Le marin, 4 November 2011, special issue on martitime affairs, insert about maritime clusters.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 15 November 2011, "Le projet SIAD est abouti". Mer Bretagne cluster has just issued a project closure report for SIAD.

L'Expansion, November 2011, "Ceux qui ont le pouvoir à Brest", interview with Hervé Moulinier, chairman of the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Ouest France, 4 November 2011, "Brest pilote un arc atlantique des sciences". Launch of Labex mer involving Mer Bretagne cluster as partner.

Le marin, 4 November 2011, "Le Maroc a des projets". Following the signing of a partnership agreement between the maritime clusters in France and Océanopôle Tan Tan in Morocco, collaboration got underway at the Itech'mer trade fair. "Mégaptère: le chalutier du futur" was in response to a call for “ship of the future” projects, supported by the Mer Bretagne cluster.


Le marin, 28 October 2011, "Les EMR, un enjeu pour la Bretagne", interview with Michel Cadot, Prefet for Région Bretagne. Ifremer, the Mer Bretagne cluster and EDF are the driving force behind France Energies Marines, a public-private research institute.

Le Télégramme, 28 October, "Itech'mer: la pêche du futur à bord d'un trimaran". The concept is in response to a call for projects designing the “ship of the future” launched by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Le Journal des Entreprises (22), 7 October 2011, "Partenariat : les Pôles Mer Bretagne et Mer PACA sont partenaires de l'Océanopôle Tan Tan au Maroc".

Biorefining Magazine, October 2011, "The kaolin algae pits of Lorient", focus on the Safeoil project.


Le Moniteur.fr, 22 September 2011, "Des pavés à base de coquillage". VECOP project recognised by Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 19 September 2011, "Innovation : 1,2 million d'euros pour repeupler d'huîtres plates les exploitations". This R&D project called PERLE has just launched and is recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Le Télégramme, 19 September 2011, "Energies marines : un quimpérois en Cornouailles". Deputy director of the Mer Bretagne cluster and a native of Quimper, Stéphane Riou took part in launching the Merific project in Cornwall, England.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 15 September 2011, "Innovation: Les pôles Mer Bretagne et Mer Paca signent un accord avec un homologue marocain".

Bretagne Innovation portal, 13 September 2011, "ULVANS : nouveau projet labellisé au Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Lettre API, 13 September 2011, "Coopération : partenariat entre le Pôle mer Bretagne et le Maroc".

Bretagne Innovation portal, "Ouverture territoriale : le Pôle Mer Bretagne s'ouvre en région des Pays de La Loire".

Lettre API, 12 September 2011, "Innovation : Hélios veut lutter contre les parasites". This new project is recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Green News Techno N°37, "12ème FUI : les projets retenus du Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 8 September 2011, "Un accord de coopération signé entre le Pôle Mer Bretagne et Atlanpole".

Lettre API, 8 September 2011, "Atlanpole va relayer le Pôle Mer en Pays de La Loire".


France Bleu Armorique, 30 August 2011, interview with Patrick Poupon, director of the Mer Bretagne cluster, on marine renewables (on the occasion of the departure of the Open Hydro tidal turbine to the Paimpol-Bréhat site).

Lettre API, 26 August, " Pôles de compétitivité : 12ème appel à projets, 5 projets du Pôle Mer Bretagne retenus".

Rennes Atalante Infos, July-August 2011, "Métane veut sécuriser l'exploitation sous-marine du pétrole et du gaz". This project is recognised jointly by the Mer Bretagne and Mer PACA clusters.

Mer et Marine, 12 July 2011, "Une plate-forme d'essais en mer implantée à Lanvéoc"; SeaTestBase was recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster in 2008.

Lettre API, 8 July 2011, "Atlanpole Blue Cluster en pleine expansion". Atlanpole Blue and Mer Bretagne clusters jointly organised the Blue Cluster Forum.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 4 July 2011, "Le Pôle Mer Bretagne soutien Atlanpole Blue Cluster".

JUNE 2011

Innovation en Bretagne portal, 23 June 2011, "BLUSTREAM et METANE : deux nouveaux projets labellisés au Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 22 June 2011, " BLIDAR: pour la fabrication d'un système de mesure du vent". BLIDAR is a project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 15 June 2011, "TACTIPECHE : un projet de logiciel pour de nouvelles techniques de pêche durable". This project has been recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre API, 10 June 2011, "Energie : BLUSTREAM dope le rendement de l'hydrolienne". The Mr Bretagne cluster is recognising a project to develop a tidal turbine capable of changing position in response to the direction of the current.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 14 June 2011, "Labellisation d'un projet d'hydrolienne de deuxième génération". The Mer Bretagne is recognising the BLUSTREAM project.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 6 June 2011, "Brest va décrocher in Institut d'Excellence en Energies Décarbonnées". This project is led by Ifremer and the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Le Télégramme, 2 June 2011, "France Energies Marines: un examen complémentaire", interview with Patrick Poupon.

Ouest France, 2 June 2011, "Les énergies marines se dessinent à Brest".

France Bleu Breizh Izel, 1 June 2011, interview with Patrick Poupon on the IEED France Energies Marines.

MAY 2011

La Lettre de Brest Métropole Océane, May 2011, "Brest confortée pour son excellence scientifique". ORCA, SABELLA and WINFLO, projects recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster, are among those chosen by ADEME for support from the Fonds Démonstrateurs Energies renouvelables fund.

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 12 May 2011, " Le Pôle Mer Bretagne labellise un projet de recyclage des co-produits coquilliers".

Lettre API, 16 May 2011, "Travaux publics : le Pôle Mer Bretagne labellise un projet d'éco-pavés".

Economic development cluster website, competitivite.gouv.fr, May 2011, spotlight on completed SEALACIAN project: "Un petit requin pour lutter contre le cancer", recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Lettre API, 19 May 2011, "Pollution : un projet pour prévenir les risques des fuites sur les puits offshore". METANE project, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Eco Origin cluster portal, May 2011, "VECOP, nouveau projet labellisé par le Pôle Mer Bretagne pour le recyclage des coproduits coquilliers".

Bretagne Innovation portal, May 2011, "Deux bilan de projets : PROFILTEAM et GRAND LARGUE, un nouveau projet labellisé : VECOP au Pôle Mer Bretagne".

APRIL 2011

Econostrum info, 1 April 2011, "Deux projets français soutiennent le développement de l'éolien marin". Le Télégramme, 9 April 2011, " Pôle Mer Bretagne : un labo à l'échelle de l'océan", feedback on Mer Bretagne cluster AGM on 8 April.

Sciences Ouest, April 2011, "Des robots, une bouée et un programme", three new projects recognised by Mer Bretagne cluster; "Un projet pour la filière ormeaux", Haliotis, a company specialising in oyster farming, will lead the Ormeaux project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Rennes Atalante Infos, March-April 2011, "Des actifs marins pour lutter contre des plantes parasites de culture", Timac Agro International, specialising in plant and animal nutrition, is directing the Lutor project recently recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Bretagne Economique portal, "Hervé Moulinier réelu président du Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Lettre Economique de Bretagne, 12 April, "Un nouveau conseil d'administration pour le Pôle Mer Bretagne".

Lettre API, 12 April, "Pôle de compétitivité : Pôle Mer Bretagne reconduit son président".

Le Journal des Entreprises (29), April 2011, "Pôle Mer Bretagne : préparer l'évaluation".

MARCH 2011

Le Marin, 18 March 2011, " Pôle de compétitivité : neuf dossiers marititmes retenus lors du 11ième appel à projets".

Infoocéan, 15 March 2011,"Trois projet du Pôle Mer Bretagne retenus au 11eAP".

Greennews Techno, 11 March 2011, "Eaux usées, chimie végétale et énergie au centre des nouveaux projets FUI". BLIDAR is a Mer Bretagne cluster project.

Lettre économique de Bretagne, 9 March 2011, "Trois nouveaux projets du Pôle Mer Bretagne labellisés et financés".


Le Marin, 4 February 2011, "La grappe d'entreprise ‘Pêche durable’ retenue par la DATAR".

Le Marin, 4 February 2011, "DCNS s'associe à l'irlandais OpenHydro".



Ouest-France, 26 January 2011, " Eoliennes en mer : le Pôle Mer soulagé".

Le Télégramme, 25 January 2011, "Les plaisanciers vont collecter des informations". CANOE project recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Ouest-France, 21 January 2011, " Eolien en mer : 3 projets retenus pour l'Ouest?".

Le Télégramme, 21 January 2011, "3 projets bretons labellisés Equipex". 3 Breton projects recognised including Naos, supported by the Mer Bretagne cluster.

Le Marin, 21 January 2011, "Un système pour produire de l'électrité grâce à la houle". Bilboquet project recognised jointly by Mer Bretagne and Mer Paca clusters.

Info Océan, 15 January 2011, "Eolien Flottant : la Bretagne affiche ses prétentions". Site selected could from 2013 rely on the creation of a demonstrator from the Winflo project, recognised by the Mer Bretagne cluster and led by Nass&Wind.

Le Télégramme, 6 January 2011, "Bretagne 2030 : Mieux produire et consommer moins"; "Bretagne 2030 : La mer source infinie d'énergie ".